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The New Zealand Government today announced the timeline for a change in the National Emergency Alert Level. From 00:01 on Tuesday 28th April, New Zealand will move to a "Level 3" status. 


Level 3 allows for a return to operating for businesses that can do so, provided they can meet the strict requirements set out by the government. 


Wakatipu Garden Care are one of the lucky ones and can return to work. However, to ensure the health and well being of both our clients and our staff, we will be implementing the following procedures to ensure we operate within the government guidelines for "safe businesses":

Our vehicles have sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes on board. All gear used will be cleaned and sanitised before and after each job is completed. Any items on-site we come into contact with (ie exterior taps) will also be wiped and disinfected. 

To assist with potential contact tracing, we will maintain a full log of any contacts encountered during the working day. 

Physical distancing to be maintained at all times. Given we work outdoors, this is straight forward for us to maintain. We will always make contact with clients prior to our arrival (with an ETA) to ensure risk of physical contact is minimised. 

We will work in teams of no more than two at a time. 

Staff temperatures will be taken each morning. Anything over 37.8oC will be deemed a fever and staff sent for a free COVID-19 test. They will remain at home in self-isolation until result has come back. They will only return to work if that result is negative. 

If any of our staff exhibit symptoms including sore throat, runny nose, headache, or fever; they will be instructed to undergo a free test at the local COVID-19 testing station, they will stay at home pending the results of the test and only return if it is a negative result. Likewise, if any clients are presenting similar symptoms, please do inform us prior to our arrival.

Should you have any questions or require more information on any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the team via either the chat window, email, call/text 021710458 or via the Facebook page.

Stay safe everyone!

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